26 Aralık 2013 Perşembe

Double Waterfall Rolled Braid Hairstyle

Time:  13 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, bobby pins
Skill level:  medium+

I hope you all had a great Christmas holiday,

and that today you are
spending time recreating 

with friends and family.

(Or back at work for a lot of you, I'm sure.)

I remember working retail around the holidays, and you never got a break from shoppers either before, or after Christmas.  I also worked in the

20 Aralık 2013 Cuma

Updo Twisted Side Bun Hairstyle

Time:  8 Minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, bobby pins, 1 elastic
Skill level:  easy

When I was just starting junior high,
(and not so good at doing hair) my friend would always ask me how many bobby pins I was wearing.  She knew I used a ton, 

(because you could see them all over in my hair).  

So it was always the topic of conversation:

"Bella, how many bobby pins did you use today?"


16 Aralık 2013 Pazartesi

Elfin Hair

The girls in this house have recently discovered "The Hobbit" and "Lord of the Rings"  today the younge asked for an Elfin look.  I was happy to oblige.

13 Aralık 2013 Cuma

Inflated Knotted Bun

Time: 15 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, elastic, bobby pins, necklace (optional)
Skill level:  medium

I tried to bring this post to you yesterday, but yesterday...

was insane from start to finish!

I'd stayed up most the night prior with a fevered child, so I was already bleary-eyed when the day started.  But no time to sleep in, I had to drive the kids to school 

(yes they could've

8 Aralık 2013 Pazar

17 Christmas Holiday Hairstyle Ideas

Need a great Holiday Hairstyle?

We've compiled a list of some of our favorites for the season.

I hope you find something here that treats you right.  Whether you want intricate, or beautiful, or easy, or unique--you can find something like that on our list.

(Or visit our All our Hairstyles page)

If you have any suggestions for what you'd like to see, we'd love to hear it.  You

5 Aralık 2013 Perşembe

Bohemian Twist with a Bow Hairstyle

Time:  12 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, elastic, bobby pins, hairspray (optional)
Skill level:  Medium

So...what can I do to make your holiday season less hectic?

*I could post gift ideas for the kiddos, the office, the neighbors.
*I could post great recipes for cinnamon roles, egg nog, wassail, honey-glazed ham, and pumpkin cake.
*I could organize your guest lists for an upcoming party.

30 Kasım 2013 Cumartesi

3 Minute: Bump with Center Part Hairstyle

Time:  3 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, bobby pins
Skill Level:  easy

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....

And I absolutely cannot WAIT! 

I've already set up my tree and my friend's tree. 
I wasn't expecting to set up their tree (seeing as it wasn't even Thanksgiving yet) but we couldn't help ourselves.  
When we were done, her little sister dragged a blanket from her room and

28 Kasım 2013 Perşembe

Throwback Thursday Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

I can't let this holiday pass without being thankful 

for these two little sweeties who I have the 

great privilege of sharing this blog with.

They are wonderful girls and I'm so grateful they are mine.

I thought you might like seeing a few of their younger pics.

Bella's always had thick, long hair for me to play with.

Lanie's didn't grow past her ears

24 Kasım 2013 Pazar

3 Minute Hairstyle Quick & Easy

Time:  3 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, elastic, hairspray (optional)
Skill level:  easy

I mentioned on a previous post that half my hair
had fallen 
out this year for some unknown reason.  
I thought it was alopecia, because a few of my cousins have had it.  Some of you suggested it was from heat on my hair.  But it wasn't breaking off and falling out; it was falling from the root! 


19 Kasım 2013 Salı

Are you looking for a Thanksgiving Hairstyle?

Need a fun Thanksgiving hairstyle?

Here are two of them 

using simple craft feathers from the dollar store 

and some bobby pins.

If you don't have any pilgrim hats and costumes, but need something festive, try one of these.


Click here to see more of our Holiday Styles

14 Kasım 2013 Perşembe

Wet Hairstyles: Rope Braided Bun

Time:  3 minutes
Supplies:  brush, elastic, bobby pins
Skill level:  medium

This hairstyle is a double whopper for procrastinators like me!

Because it's a
3-minute do and a wet hairstyle.

I seem to be in a chronic hurry.  

I always think I can pinch in ten last minute things before 

I have to be somewhere and then I find myself 

with soaking wet hair and no time.

Can you relate?

10 Kasım 2013 Pazar

Flirty Fishtail Ponytail Hairstyle

Time:  10 minutes
Supplies:  brush, 2 elastics
Skill level:  medium

I saw a little girl sporting a hairstyle like this the other day.

And I couldn't tell if she was just raggedy after a day at school (and too much rolling around on the playground) 

so the top of her fishtail had come out, 


if it had been intentionally started halfway down the ponytail.  

But either way it gave

6 Kasım 2013 Çarşamba

Quick & Easy Bohemian Headband Twist Hairstyle

Time:  3 minutes
Supplies:  stretchy headband, brush/comb
Skill level:  easy

I couldn't do this hairstyle for the last few weeks because

it hurt my head too much.

If you've read my bio, you know I want to be stunt double.  But I'm still getting over a concussion I gave myself three weeks ago when I missed my back handspring and fell on my head.  

My mom hasn't ever put me in gymnastics

4 Kasım 2013 Pazartesi

Classic Updo with Pin Curls

Time:  10 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, bobby pins, accessories (optional) Here's our link to how we made the embellished bobby pins
Difficulty:  medium

Halloween's over...let the holiday parties begin.

There is always somewhere to go this time of year 

and often it's somewhere fancy.

Whether it's a winter wedding, an office party, or a school formal, this hairstyle will have you

31 Ekim 2013 Perşembe

Happy Halloween 2013

Happy Halloween to all of you

I hope you got all your little goblins decked out 

and your candy bowls stocked.

I've heard weather reports canceling some halloweens in the midwest.  If that's you, I'm so sorry.

As for us over here, my house is a disaster zone from last minute costume sewing and pumpkin carving, 

but the kids are having a ton of fun.

We got some farm fresh pumpkins

26 Ekim 2013 Cumartesi

Halloween Hairstyle: Spider Web

Time:  20 minutes
Supplies:  several small elastics, comb/brush, spiders
Difficulty:  medium

This hairstyle turned out
so fun.  

And it's not hard, yet a little time consuming.

But it's perfect for any Halloween party or 

school day leading up to the big day.

Or hair-do for those of you without costumes, but who still 

love to do something for the holiday.

I got the scorpions

24 Ekim 2013 Perşembe

High Side Bow with a Bun

Time:  15 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, 2 elastics, bobby pins, hairspray
Difficulty:  medium

This week has been so crazy!

In addition to everyday chaos, we've
been to the doctor, the dentist, a fall festival, take your parent to lunch day--twice.

But the fall festival was the topper.

Tons of games and booths for the whole family.  An old-fashioned log-sawing contest, bobbing for

22 Ekim 2013 Salı

Crazy Hairstyle for Dr. Suess Day

This isn't an official style. 

Nor am I recommending it for fashion. 

But I had a reader request an idea for a hairstyle 

for Crazy Hair Day at school.

I didn't have time to film anything, but I remembered what I'd worn for Dr. Suess day a few years ago.

It has a clothes hanger inside and my hair is twisted and braided around it right up to the curved tip.

I hope that helps, Ali.

19 Ekim 2013 Cumartesi

Spider Lace Braid Halloween Hairstyle

Time:  10 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, elastic, spiders, bobby pins (or the spiders on clips)
Difficulty:  medium+


(Actually, I love all the fall & winter holidays.  But Halloween's especially fun.)

And I can't wait to carve these pumpkins.  

I carved an awesome Superman pumpkin a few days ago, but it's not going to make it to Halloween.  

But these will.

My mom

16 Ekim 2013 Çarşamba

How to Get Big Barrel Curls

Time:  15-20 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, 1" curling iron or wand, hairspray
Difficulty:  medium

I get asked all the time how I curled my hair like this.  

But I took
the picture two years ago, 

and I didn't happen to film it that day.  

So I just did.  And ever since I compared the my hair now to this picture, it's confirmed it.

You may watch the video and ask yourself the same

9 Ekim 2013 Çarşamba

Monster Headphones Giveaway (you'll thank me later)

This post is brought to you by:  

Monster Headphones  and  BlogHer

It's October, and to me, that means it's time to start

Christmas shopping.  

I always start my shopping this time of year for three reasons:

1.  Prices are usually lower instead of falsely inflated in December.

2.  The kids are at school and it's easier to shop without them seeing what I'm looking for.

3.  I'm

6 Ekim 2013 Pazar

Half French Twist & Giveaway

Time:  10 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, hairspray, bobby pins
Difficulty:  easy

Keep Reading for details on our giveaway for this beautiful infinity hair clip.

I'm up to my elbows in frosting, but I licked my fingers clean enough to post.

In case you were curious,
I posted a picture of how cute my cookies are turning out.  And they're so buttery and yummy too.

First I plan to eat a

2 Ekim 2013 Çarşamba

Jasmine Ponytail

Time:  5 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, 3-7 elastics depending on hair length
Difficulty:  easy

I wish I had hair like Jasmine from Aladdin, but

nobody's hair is that thick and long.  

Lucky this style gives you the illusion your 

hair is thicker than it really is.

Do you like my rainbow?  

I love this fall weather.  The colors look so vibrant when it rains.  And...my mom just made

29 Eylül 2013 Pazar

Snapshot Sunday 9-29-13

Ode to fall:

I love you, but I'm sad to see the summer go.

I'll miss the tall alfalfa fields so brilliant green on every side of my house (thanks to my farming neighbors)

I hate parting with my magic petunias.  

I didn't even plant them last spring and somehow they survived the harsh winter and came back on their own. 

I'll miss this view out my bedroom window:  fresh baled

26 Eylül 2013 Perşembe

Rolled Waterfall French Braid

Time:  10 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, bobby pins
Difficulty:  medium+

My cousin wears her hair like this all the time 
and calls it a
waterfall french braid.

I couldn't figure out how she did it, because it's 
not a typical waterfall french braid.

And it looks so thin and delicate. 

If you could look straight down at her head like an aerial shot, it would look like a flat french

22 Eylül 2013 Pazar

Chopstick Twist Hairstyle & Giveaway

Time:  5 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, elastic, bobby pins, 2 hairsticks/chopsticks (even pencils)
Difficulty:  easy

Giveaway Time!

If you love these beautiful hair sticks, they (or another pair like them) can be yours.  Keep reading for details.

I've got a lengthy bucket list.  

You may have heard
me talk about it before:

Ride a pig

Go bungee jumping

Run a marathon


18 Eylül 2013 Çarşamba

Fohawk Hairstyle

Time:  5 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, gel/texturizing wax, blow dryer (optional)
Difficulty:  easy

I took the fam to the library tonight because I'm all out of good reads and so were the kids.  And who knew
(well probably everyone in town except me) there was a parade heading right down the street in front.  

(Well, Bella knew.  She'd already left for the parade with friends, but I

14 Eylül 2013 Cumartesi

Snapshot Sunday 9-15-13

We've been having quit a bit of excitement around here, 

and a lot of it has been focused on Lanie.

She just had a birthday and celebrated by getting her ears pierced.  It was a great day, and she was super brave.  She tried so hard not to even flinch when the piercing gun clamped shut.  And she's been loving her ears.  

But then:

Bye, bye, Happy Birthday Girl.

Not long after

12 Eylül 2013 Perşembe

High Bun with a Braided Ring

Time:  7 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, 2 elastics, bobby pins, hair texturizing wax or hairspray (optional)
Difficulty:  easy

My mom has a term for rainy days that she's used 

as long as I've known her:  "Worm Day!"

When she was in elementary school, there was an older kid in the neighborhood who would chase the girls with earthworms every time it rained, and throw them in their hair.

8 Eylül 2013 Pazar

Roaring 20's inspired Headband with Curls Hairstyle & Giveaway

Time:  20 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, curling iron/wand, headband
Difficulty:  medium

Giveaway Time!!!!

Woohoo!!!! (keep reading for details)

I was playing around with some
hairstyles a few months ago (because that's what I do in my spare time to keep bringing you fun styles) and I came up with this one.

I thought it was fabulous and came out to show the fam.

My dad said, "Hey

4 Eylül 2013 Çarşamba

Add Protein & Moisture to over-styled hair

Time:  20 minutes to apply, 20 minutes to sit on hair
Supplies:  2 - 4 eggs, 1/8 - 1/4 Cup of Honey, hair clips or barrettes 
Difficulty:  easy, but somewhat messy

What are we doing with these:  eggs and honey?

No, it's not a cooking post.

It's a salon-quality hair treatment at home!

If you're like me, and Bella, your hair suffers damage every day from UV rays, styling products,

1 Eylül 2013 Pazar

Snapshot Sunday 9-1-13

We get two questions all the time:

1.  Where do you
get your ideas?

2.  What do you do when you're not styling hair?

You want the Answers?

1.  Ideas are everywhere:  at school, the grocery store, the mall, the park, magazines, online.  Anytime I see a cool style, I file it away in my brain for later.  I usually don't do the exact thing they did, but it gets my mind going on how I could

29 Ağustos 2013 Perşembe

Celebrity Hairstyle: Julianne Hough Braided Band with Barrel Curls

Time:  15 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, wand or curling iron, bobby pins, hairspray/texturizing wax
Difficulty:  medium

If we all had professional stylists, we'd look like red-carpet walkers every time we left the house, right?


But the rest of us "normal" people are just left to copy what the stars do.  

Which is just what we've done.  

(Imitation's the highest form of

24 Ağustos 2013 Cumartesi

Waterfall Bohemian Twist with a Bow

Time:  15 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, 2 elastics, bobby pins, hairspray, pomeade/gel
Difficulty:  medium+

We decided to splash into our new rural roots today with an authentic fish scramble.

For those of you who don't know what that is...I didn't either.  But it had been the talk of the town, so we had to go and see.

It was a giant tarp draped over big bales of hay and then tied down

22 Ağustos 2013 Perşembe

Back to School---Non-hair post

Next Monday my five-year old enters Kindergarten.  She has a bit longer of a day since she is in a language immersion program.  The longer day also means lunches at school.  For most kids, this isn't a problem and is super exciting!  For us it's a little bit different.

Our sweet Sophie has a peanut/treenut and a venom bite allergy.  Eating in the lunchroom and playing on the playground are enough to send her into anaphylaxis.  Even though the lunchroom and playground staff, teachers and administration are all trained on how to handle her allergies if such an incident occurs, it's still enough to make my heart beat in my throat until I pick her up from school.

And then there is the friend issue.  I am really hoping that she finds a friend whose parents will send to school with a non-nut lunch.  I hope they won't be nervous about inviting her to playdates and birthday parties.  A mom's worst nightmare is a lonely or targeted child at school.  

In an effort to make our family more aware (a well-meaning grandparent tried to give her Cracker Jacks not realizing the top ingredient was peanuts) my husband made this little video.  

If there are any other allergy moms and kids out there in hairland sending their babies off to the first day of school, best wishes and good luck to you!  If you have any suggestions or advice for me due to your experiences, I'd love to hear it!


21 Ağustos 2013 Çarşamba

Stylish & Fun Earring Holder DIY

Time:  45 minutes
Supplies:  scissors, stapler, frame, 1/2" trim (length depending on frame size), wood paint & paint brush (or use a new frame), 1/2 yard of 5/8" ribbon, name card (made of scrapbook paper) optional
Difficulty:  medium

I'm not much of an earring wearer.

My ears have
always gotten infected unless I buy expensive earrings.  And who cares about glammed-up ears while a

19 Ağustos 2013 Pazartesi

French Braided Swept Ponytail

Time:  8 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, elastic, bobby pins
Difficulty:  medium

Another hairstyle for those busy days when you still want
to look nice, but need your hair out of your face.

So next time your alarm clock rings. 

And you're sure it's fast by two hours, 

because you just closed your eyes and you're so tired!

Instead of going for the standard ordinary ponytail, try this

15 Ağustos 2013 Perşembe

Getting Body & Curls with a Center Part

Time:  20 minutes from totally wet hair
Supplies:  brush/comb, blow dryer, root elevator spray (I got "Big Sexy Hair" from Walmart for less than $5), curling iron (I used 1 1/2"), hairspray
Difficulty:  medium

You know what I love about long hair?

It's always there when I want it, and when I don't...I just pull it up in a pony or bun.

Because some days, you just want to let your hair

11 Ağustos 2013 Pazar

Teeth Whitening at home with Hydrogen Peroxide

Time:  10 minutes to as long as you'd like

Supplies:  Hydrogen Peroxide, q-tips

Difficulty:  easy

So my mom ran into a cousin she hadn't seen in a while, and her teeth were GLEAMING WHITE!

I mean.  

You could have read next to them in a pitch-black room.

So we asked her the secret...

It's Hydrogen Peroxide.  Simple as that.

The bottle says it's an "oral debriding agent".  It

7 Ağustos 2013 Çarşamba

Back to School Dinner Ideas: Beef Freezer Meals

Since we're working on our "Back to School Unit"

for hairstyles; I thought, why not share with you one of my BEST tricks for back to school:  
Freezer Meals!

They are the greatest idea since sliced bread.

So while it's still summer.  And I still have some time (and some kids at home to help me). I try to make a bunch of meals and store them in the freezer for those hectic school

4 Ağustos 2013 Pazar

3-minute Do: Bump with a Flower Bun

Time:  3 minutes

Supplies:  brush/comb, 2 elastics, bobby pins

Difficulty:  easy

Sometimes getting up on time for school can be a challenge.

Especially with
homework, regular work, a social life.  It leaves you so tired, you'd give anything for more sleep.  Who cares about hair?  Half the time I'm throwing on my make-up while riding the bus. 

But that's not a problem with this

31 Temmuz 2013 Çarşamba

Double Piggyback Braids

Time:  10 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, clear elastic
Difficulty:  medium+

Announcing our...............BACK TO SCHOOL HAIRSTYLES 


It's officially August, and you know what that means.

I suppose some of you lucky guys don't start back into school until September, and some of you started in July.  

But most of us go back pretty soon.

And you like to look pretty, right?

29 Temmuz 2013 Pazartesi

How to: CURL Layered hair

Time:  12 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, curling iron (I used 1 1/2".  You can use what you have.), hairspray, root elevator spray (optional)
Difficulty:  medium

I'll tell you what...

Curling layered hair--if you're a beginner--can be a nightmare.

But it's a cinch if you know the secret trick.

(Here's another secret trick:  I also curl my hair like this when I have it blunt-cut as

24 Temmuz 2013 Çarşamba

Waterall Braided Web

Time:  15 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, 3 clear elastics, pomeade/hairspray
Difficulty:  medium

I can't believe it's already the end of July.

Where has the summer gone?

I was just getting into the groove of no school:  plenty of time to catch up on all that stuff you can't ever get done, hanging out with friends, staying up late, running barefoot, swimming, popsicles, getting a little

18 Temmuz 2013 Perşembe

How to: CUT layers in your hair

Time:  15 minutes
Supplies:  comb/brush, scissors
Difficulty:  medium

Bella has had long blunt hair for years.  

And we have
a lot of people ask us for layered hairstyles.

So we figured, how about a change?

She wanted to play with layers and create different hairstyles.

Her new layers have about a four-inch variation.

Plus, the sides are slithered/feathered cut (starting at her

16 Temmuz 2013 Salı

No Heat Beach Waves

There are loads of diferent types of these no heat tutorials for this beachy hair look, and the reason to that is that most people (including me) just love that messy hair. And if you don't, just remember - embrace it! It's an all time (or maybe I should've said immortal) hairstyle that goes with everything! It's playful and can give that 'wow' effect on your whole look. So, I had to do some serious searching to find the perfect tutorial that can do the trick - and i found it! It's an easy breezy tutorial posted by the amazing Aimee Song from Song of Style. All the credit goes to her and her amazing trick!

1. Part your slightly damp hair into two sections (right and left) and start twisting from the root to all the way to the end of your hair. Make sure you twist well!

2. Using a bobby pin, pin the end of your twisted hair to the crown of your head.

3. Twist the other side of your hair in the same direction (I normally twist outwards) and pin to the crown of your head like the first side.

4. Let your hair dry naturally overnight and in the morning, unpin the ends. Shake your head and pretend your in a shampoo commercial, and voila! You got waves! If you'd like to hold the waves, top off the look with a lightweight hairspray such as the Vida Sassoon Pro Series Flexible Hold Hairspray.

15 Temmuz 2013 Pazartesi

How To: Waterfall French Braid

Time:  8 minutes

Supplies:  brush/comb, elastic

Difficulty:  Medium

Reverting to the basics:

Some of you have emailed and asked for a tutorial on a waterfall braid without any other bells and whistles.

So (drum roll, please) here you go. 

(Drums aren't bells or whistles.)

A waterfall braid is simply a french braid, but instead of reaching for a new strand on the bottom side of

11 Temmuz 2013 Perşembe

Neck Bow with twisted bump

Time:  15 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, hairspray, bobby pins, elastic, embellishments (optional)
Difficulty:  Medium+

I hope you're enjoying summer as much
as we are.

It's wonderful to be out of school, no homework, no busy schedules, water activities, endless playtime (or so the kids think).

But it's also HOT!

Too hot!

So here's not only a beautiful and cool hairstyle.  But a

10 Temmuz 2013 Çarşamba

Double Giveaway Time!

I used to have a business making
and selling hair accessories.  

Can you tell I love everything about hair? I don't have the business anymore, but I do still LOVE them.

And I'm sharing that love with you.

I'll split this lot of 28 hair accessories between two winners.


We put in a ton of time and creative juices into this blog, and we want the word to spread.

There are 4

7 Temmuz 2013 Pazar

Beachy Wave Barrel Curls with Wand or Curling Iron

Time: 15 minutes
Supplies:  comb/brush, wand or curling iron
Difficulty:  medium

Lately I've been working on my bucket list:

Pet a

Go hot-tubbing in a giant cheese vat

Sky diving

(So far I've done the first two.)

Another one I just finished (inspired by my favorite song, which you'll hear when you watch the video)...

I made signs that said, "Don't" and "Believing" and hung

3 Temmuz 2013 Çarşamba

3-Minute Hairstyle: Side-Swept French Braid

Time:  3 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, bobby pins
Difficulty:  medium

I have taken Spanish at school for the last two years.  

And I have to say,
aside from mi Español becoming muy bueno, I picked up this cute hairstyle idea.

There's a girl in my class who often has her hair swept back in a french braid.  

It's so linda (cute), I had to copy the idea.

When you are in a prisa (

30 Haziran 2013 Pazar

Patriotic Hairstyle, 4th of July Braided Star

Time:  15 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, 12 clear elastics, curling iron, 36" of ribbon
Difficulty:  medium

We had a few followers write in and ask us how to do this braided star. 

here you go.

It would have been much easier to do on Bella's long hair.  

But we did it on Lanie's hair to show you that it can be done on shorter hair.

If you have 4th of July plans, or anything this

23 Haziran 2013 Pazar

Fun & Pretty Patriotic Style

Time:  15 minutes

Supplies:  brush/comb, bobby pins, patriotic bows (here's how to make them), red & blue markers, hair chalk, or hair mascara

Difficulty:  easy

Patriotic hairstyles aren't just for little girls...

Neither are bows.

You may have thought our post, promising a patriotic hairstyle using these darling bows, would be for little girls.

But guess what?

They look great on

21 Haziran 2013 Cuma

Patriotic Fohawk

Time:  11 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, pomeade/gel, plain old markers and white chalk, blow-dryer
Difficulty:  Medium

This image reminds me of a parade.

I can see
all the kids sitting on the curb-side waving flags, watching the floats go by, racing for the candy they throw.  

Can you see it too?

I get such a feeling of pride when I see our flag and hear the national anthem.  It's an

18 Haziran 2013 Salı

Multi - Ribbon Hair Bows

Time: 12 minutes/Bow

Supplies:  assorted ribbons, scissors, hot glue, alligator clip or barrette, ruler, lighter/matches or fray-check

Difficulty:  medium+

I love hair bows!

Any regular hairstyle becomes 

a darling hairstyle with a simple bow or two.

But it can get spendy getting them in several colors for each matching outfit. 

(I know, I have two girls, and an obsession for cute

15 Haziran 2013 Cumartesi

Flirty Ponytail

Time:  2 minutes

Supplies:  brush/comb, elastic

Difficulty:  easy

Who doesn't love a quick, yet pretty, hairstyle?

I don't know what it is about
summer, but I'm always looking for something just like that:

Fast and beautiful.

If you've already got some curl in the bottom of your hair, this style takes about two minutes.

That's it.

If you need to add in a curl, that's just

12 Haziran 2013 Çarşamba

Puffed Diagonal Dutch Braid

Time:  7 minutes

Supplies:  brush/comb, elastic

Difficulty:  Medium

We took a trip to a nearby lake last weekend.

My son and his cousin started out early
in the morning 

doing a little target shooting with a BB gun.  

A moose came splashing through the water, drinking, about 

100 feet away from them.

My nephew got a ridiculous idea to take a shot at it.

He's only ten.  But

8 Haziran 2013 Cumartesi

3-Minute Hairstyle: Donut Bun

Time:  3 minutes

Supplies:  brush/comb, elastic, bobby pins

Difficulty:  easy

Are you looking for a great summer hair-do?

Well, look no further.

Here it is.  

I was just fiddling around, trying to think of a 

new style I could bring you all, 

and I came up with this one. 

I've been sporting it almost every day for the last week. 

I love it!  

And I hope you will too.


5 Haziran 2013 Çarşamba

No Heat Curls: Cocoon Curls

Time:  8 mins to roll;  8 mins to take out

Supplies:  brush/comb, bobby pins, hairspray

Difficulty:  Medium

Here are the few quick steps to beauty

I'll tell you what---coming up with no-heat curling ideas that turn out beautifully, is a tricky business.

But we've found one.

I learned this trick from a neighbor of mine. She said that back in the day (how far back "the day" is

2 Haziran 2013 Pazar

1/2 Up Pin Curl Barrette

If you've been reading our blog, you've probably noticed that we recently moved to the country.

It's been fun, but it's also been an adjustment.  To say the least.

We're just tucked away in between several green, green, green farms at the end of a country road.  

Thanks to the farmers, it looks beautiful.  We often have deer and hawks in our yard.  And of course cows everywhere (not

30 Mayıs 2013 Perşembe

Spiral Lace Braided Ponytail

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Let's take a walk down memory lane today...

I've always liked having a great hairstyle, even when I was

26 Mayıs 2013 Pazar

Cutting Side-Swept Bangs or Fringe

So I've decided to get better at playing the piano.

I've taken lessons on and off since 1st grade, 

but it was never steady.

Now I've hit it hard again. And when practicing gets old, 

I get inspired by the Piano Guys.

If you haven't checked them out on YouTube, you're missing out.

Here's a link to their version of  What Makes you Beautiful  and one to another of my favorites  

22 Mayıs 2013 Çarşamba

French Bow Headband

If you thought you were too old to wear bows in your hair, hold on to your

inner girly-girl and check out these ones. 

They're made of your own hair.

Instead of colorful ribbons, lace, and ric-rac bows you secretly wish you could still wear, but think you're too old for (or maybe that's just me). These can be worn anytime. 

You're never too old.

You can wear them in a headband

19 Mayıs 2013 Pazar

1/2-up Funnel Twist

I had the BEST day yesterday!

My mom and sisters and sister-in-laws (and that makes 9 of us) always get together on the Saturday before or after Mother's Day and just have a day off. Because let's face it -- being a mother is the most wonderful and rewarding thing I have ever done, or ever will do. But it's also exhausting emotionally and physically. 

A day off to pamper yourself is

15 Mayıs 2013 Çarşamba

Wet Hairstyle: Sleek Rope Braided Ponytail

So I don't really have any clever post ideas or funny stories.

I started working as a
house cleaner/gardener/

horse & dog caretaker.

It's a great gig.

I also took second place in JV state for our relay team. Woohoo!

Other than that, I had wet hair today and needed a quick style.

That's it.  Maybe something exciting will happen soon. 

Like I'll get kicked by one of the horses

11 Mayıs 2013 Cumartesi

Super Easy Blunt Haircut Tips

So it's morning.

It's Sunday Morning.

And it's Mother's Day.

Being a mom, I know you rarely get a day off. You've got laundry to do, a special dinner to make for your mother, and mother-in-law. Homework for school tomorrow.

But I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I love waking up to a soft kiss on the cheek. Or a hug after school. And an "I love you, Mom."

Nothing Better.

So if

8 Mayıs 2013 Çarşamba

Thin/Short styles: Using a Fat Curling Iron for more body

We always get requests for thin/short hairstyles 

that make
your hair look thicker. 

Any hairstyle we do with Lanie can be used for thin/short styles. But this one also gives it a beautiful, full look. 

We used a 1  1/2" curling iron. Nothing fancy. 

It's just a Conair for like $17.

And we use it for everything. 

It's quick and easy.

Her hair has natural wave, and unless we blow

4 Mayıs 2013 Cumartesi

Puff Braided Ponytail

I'm usually a good cook. But last night...

The whole family was in the mood for a treat. So we decided to whip up a chocolate cake with hot fudge. 

I usually have a cake mix on hand, but I only had lemon. No problem. I googled a chocolate cake recipe from scratch. Bella sat at the computer and read  me the ingredients, while 

I threw them in the mixer.

The cake seemed to cook

3 Mayıs 2013 Cuma

Clip in bangs - Zooey Deschanel look

Hey everyone! Today is a very special day here! It's the day before Easter and everyone is painting egs and just enjoying this great sunny weather! And since I'm feeling very excited, I thought that I should post something also very spring inspired - the Zooey Deschanel inspired hairstyle!  This tutorial I've found on Bobby Glam and I must say, all of their tutorials and posts are absoloutley amazing! All very nicely put together, I love it! I also have to say that the girl in the tutorial used a clip in fringe that you can buy in their shop here.

For the full tutorial, here is the video! 
It's a very classy look, prefect if you want to try something new! And while creating this hairstyle, don't panic if the moment you put you fringe in place it doesn't look good. 
It just needs a little ajusment and practice. Soon I'll
post a similar tutorial also incuding bangs, but created
in a different way, so untill then, have fun creating this,
fun, edgy but still very classy hairstyle!

Happy Friday friends! 

1 Mayıs 2013 Çarşamba

Side Swept Pin Curls

This look is so versatile.

You can wear it casual with jeans, or
dressy for a night out.

I love it because it's a wonderful second-day hairstyle.

It works best with some left over curl in your hair. 

You can try it on straight hair, but it's harder to hide your ends. 

Or you can do it with wet hair. (Wet ends hide much better.) 

Curly ends are the best, though. That way, 

if they

30 Nisan 2013 Salı

Kristen Stewart at the KCAs 2013: The Messy Fishtail

Hey everyone! I know it's been a long time since this year's KCA, and since all that time I've been admiring Kristen's whole look. From the cool playsuit to the amazing hair, I was blown. It just leaves an impression of youth and freedom combined with great fashion taste. Oh, and the purple smokey eyes, that the icing on the cake! I just loved it! Therefore I couldn't resist to post a great and easy hair tutorial that I've found here (click there to get more info on the products used) and plus, a makeup tutorial for her look!

Hair magician ADIR ABERGEL hooked the 22-year-old up for the night by styling her long auburn tresses in quite possibly the coolest fishtail braid I’ve ever seen. Using the Fekkai products he created this, undone, fresh and simple to recreate hairstyle. So, here is the hair tutorial (just wait a few seconds and the video will appear itself).


Kristen posed for the KCA cameras giving them a smouldering ultra-violet stare courtesy of her smoky deep purple eyes. Chanel Celebrity Makeup Artist JILLIAN DEMPSEY was inspired by both her eye color and the shade of her outfit.

Before starting, Jillian had to start with a clean palette.
“I prepped her skin with CHANEL Hydra Beauty Sèrum followed by CHANEL Sublimage Essential Regenerating Fluid and then dabbed a little CHANEL Sublimage La Crème Yeux under her eyes.

I used a combination of CHANEL Vitalumière Aqua Ultra-Light Skin Perfecting Sunscreen Makeup Broad Spectrum SPF 15 on Kristen’s face and neck and CHANEL Correcteur Perfection Long Lasting Concealer with soft focus on pigments to conceal and event out her complexion.

On the apples of her cheeks, I lightly dusted CHANEL Powder Blush in Rose Initial. I then did a series of highlights on her upper cheekbones and bridge of her nose with CHANEL Exclusive Creation Poudre Signèe De Chanel Illuminating Powder.”

Now, for the eyes!
“The eyes were the cornerstone of this look. I chose CHANEL LES 4 OMBRES Quadra Eyeshadow in Vanitès and relied on the deep purple shade to add depth to Kristen’s eyes. I blended and layered metallic accents on her lids to intensify the purple shades using CHANEL Illusion D’Ombre Long Wear Luminous Eyeshadow in Mirifique. To continue the purple iridescence theme, I traced underneath her lower lashes with CHANEL Precision Eye Definer in Violet Smoke.

I also used CHANEL Stylo Yeux Waterproof Long Lasting Eyeliner in Black Shimmer on her upper lash line for extra definition.
I curled the lashes and added two coats of Le Volume de Chanel Mascara in Noir. I added a few individual lashes to finish.”

And for the perfectly pale pout?
Jillian used CHANEL Rouge Coco Shine Hydrating Sheer Lipshine in Candeur on her lips “for a natural, peachy nude hue.”

28 Nisan 2013 Pazar

How To: Round Brush your Bangs

These bangs literally take one minute.

And you
can't mess them up!

This is my only way to get nice volume, but low-curl bangs.

I love how they hang. They sweep nicely to the side, but they're not stuck to your forehead and they don't look like a curling iron did them.

I used my blow dryer and a cheap round brush from 

Walmart and voile. They're perfect every time.

And the best

24 Nisan 2013 Çarşamba

3 - Minute Hairstyle: Easy Twists

I can never keep enough bobby pins around.

I get them for birthdays, holidays, many days.

But I style a lot of people's hair and I never seem to get them back.

My family moved a few months ago, and everything's unpacked except for a few random things like VHS tapes.

I know. We shouldn't even have any of those.

But we couldn't throw out a few of our classics.

21 Nisan 2013 Pazar

Looped Ponytail

So what to do on an ordinary Saturday night? My friend has a few costumes, so to spice things up,
we pulled out two in particular:

A gorilla, and a


I was the gorilla. 

My friend lives near the highway (but I live in the country so there's not too much traffic. Which is lucky, because it was hard to see very well out of the mask), so we took a little walk up to the highway and

17 Nisan 2013 Çarşamba

How to Wax your Eyebrows

Stop plucking your eyebrows...


Here are the tips and tricks to manicuring
and waxing your own.

You just need some scissors, a comb, a few strips of old 

cotton fabric, and some warming wax.

I bought the sensitive-skin tin tub of wax (approx $16 for the tub -- see last paragraph for how long it lasts) and the warmer (approx $25) from Sally's Beauty (or any beauty supply

14 Nisan 2013 Pazar

Braided Forehead Headband

I had another track meet this week. When I went to sign in for the 100 yard hurdles, the volunteer
in charge of the stats, accidentally signed me up for the 100 yard dash.

I didn't know about the mix up until I heard my name being called to get in Lane 1. 

I jumped to it, totally shocked. But I ran anyway, and to my surprise...I took third. Woohoo! I've never even trained for that event,

10 Nisan 2013 Çarşamba

Messy Bun with Left-Over Curls

I want to encourage you all to do something you may 

find disgusting...

Stop washing your hair every day.

(You'll thank me later.)

Nothing has improved the health of mine and Bella's hair more than skipping to every other day, and even better, every third day. 

I know... you're gagging at how gross and greasy it would be. 

And it will be! 

But here's how you ease in: 

If you want

7 Nisan 2013 Pazar

Easy Sleek Style for any Length Hair

We have definitely been enjoying this
beautiful spring weather.

The fam and I sat around the campfire the other night roasting hot dogs and singing any campfire tunes we could think of. Then the kids slept outside in the tent. I stayed in my nice warm bed, but my sweet husband bared the 35 degree weather with them. Luckily they were dressed warmly and had thick sleeping bags. 
(And they

5 Nisan 2013 Cuma

Ladder Braided Ponytail

I love projects. And I've been doing a little
re-decorating on my house. I had hung a bunch of molding and needed some paint.

I took a fabric swatch of a subtle, creamy-yellow that I liked with me to the Home Depot and picked out my color of paint. When I asked them to make it, they said it would be too dark and I wouldn't like it. They encouraged me to get two shades lighter.

I did. 

1 Nisan 2013 Pazartesi

Beautiful Up-Do Perfect for Short & Thin Hair

Maybe it's because I grew up when tube socks were all the rage
(you remember the ones -- bright colors, with

 white stripes along the top).

But I LOVE using socks for my hairstyles.

It's such an easy way to make it look like you have tons of thick hair, even if you don't. Or tame thick hair when you want it in a certain shape. Plus...it's free! Everyone has a sock.

Except for me...

28 Mart 2013 Perşembe

Timeless Up-Do with Lace Headband

You may have noticed that I LOVE quick, up-do hairstyles.

And I also
LOVE high, full buns.

This one is a combination of our celebrity ponytail and sock bun. It's also the tutorial we promised you on how to 

wear the lace headband we made.

I hope you love it as much as I do. Sock buns work on short hair too. Just get a baby-sized sock and cut the toe off.


27 Mart 2013 Çarşamba

Textured Knot

Hey everyone! Long time no see! I can't wait to show you this new look, which has first appeared at the Band Of Outsiders fall 2013 show. This artfully rumpled style has been created by Duffy, a beauty expert. I've found this tutorial ( well, more like, a video) on Vogue.com on its top 10 stories from this week. I must say that this fashion season will be mostly marked by a little more classier and sleeaker hairstyles, but nevermind, because this is a great mixture of messy and classy! And even though this is a very casual style, it's the texture of the hair that makes it so exceptional!

For more info about the products used in this video (oh yeah, don't be afraid of clicking the link, It's not a virus or a pop-up, It will just open an extra tab and you will watch it there!) you can visit the Vogue page here. And as for the video, just follow this link: http://bcove.me/5i06rgeb

26 Mart 2013 Salı

Easter Hairstyle: Woven Ribbon Bun

I love having a fancy hairstyle to match a new Easter dress.

And I think
this one is beautiful.

It wasn't hard, either.

You just need some ribbon (your choice of colors and widths) and a bobby pin to thread it through the hair.

We got a ton of compliments when she wore it today.

Happy Easter


24 Mart 2013 Pazar

Easter Basket of Eggs

We got our Easter eggs out to get ready for
our hunt this weekend and Lanie really wanted to try a hairstyle that used 
the bright and fun Easter eggs. 

Here's the basket of eggs we designed.

She has short and thin hair. If yours is thicker and longer, 

this will work even better.

Happy Easter


21 Mart 2013 Perşembe

Tree Sap! Help!

So Lanie decided to climb a pine tree.

She had a lot of fun, and got fairly high. 

But she also got a quarter-sized glob of tree sap in her hair.

I tried everything to get it out:  olive oil, dish soap, peanut butter. The thing that finally did the trick was Vaseline. I had to use 2-3 TBLS and brush it in with a toothbrush.

The sap came out, but I couldn't get the greasy Vaseline out

19 Mart 2013 Salı

Waterfalled Lace Braid

I have my first track meet this week and
I'm excited.

My relay team is the fastest so far.

I haven't had enough time to master the hurdles yet, so I'm doing mostly sprints. But it's taking up a lot of my time and leaving me little left over to film hairstyles. 

I hope you'll bear with me and keep coming back. 

I promise I haven't forgotten about you guys.

This cool hairstyle is just

16 Mart 2013 Cumartesi

Linking Chain

This is my signature hairstyle. 

I stumbled onto this unique do one day while playing with twists in my hair, and it turned into this. 

It's become one of my favorites.

Everyone asks me how to do the Linking Chain. 

And the secret is:

It's as easy as tying a knot.

But it's only half a knot, so it's even easier.

If you can twist one strand over another -- you've got this.


12 Mart 2013 Salı

Braided Fish-tails

Here's a fish tale for you:

Tuna fish is one of my favorite foods. 

My friends know
this about me. 

So when I turned twelve, they all got me cans of tuna for a present. 

I probably got thirty cans. 

What twelve year old wants tuna for a gift?

I guess I did.

Just mix it with light Miracle Whip and chopped sweet pickles on bread. Mmm, mmm. Nothin' better.


Here's a link

10 Mart 2013 Pazar

How to: Lace Flower Headband

Here's a fun hairstyle craft that cost approximately $2.

You can't beat that!

I got the lace flowers at Walmart in the fabric section.  You just buy it by the yard.  I bought it as long as 3 flowers.  They have all kinds of fancy appliqués if you don't want flowers.

I think it turned out beautifully.  

We'll post a coordinating hairstyle next time.

Here's what you'll need:


7 Mart 2013 Perşembe

Braided Hair Flowers

I'm quite certain the groundhog saw his shadow.

But again
I woke up to a fresh layer of snow. 

I can't see spring creeping in any time soon.

I guess that's alright. More sledding time. But I have to get creative with my hair. I never want to go to the effort of curls on a wet day.

So here's a quick and fancy hairstyle that doesn't matter if it gets wet. Give it a try.


5 Mart 2013 Salı

Adding Body to Thin Hair: Blow Dryer & Round Brush

We always get asked for hairstyles that work for 

SHORT and THIN hair.

So voila!

Blow drying with a round brush adds a ton of height and 

body to ordinarily thin and clingy hair.

Don't get me wrong. It also works on thick and long hair too. 

The nice thing is that it: 


adds curl

adds body

It's wonderful

I try not to do it too often because blow drying is

3 Mart 2013 Pazar

DIY Inexpensive Frame turned Classy

So we're giving this a try, thanks to all of your 

great feedback last week.

For the next while (unless I hear otherwise from you guys) 

we're switching things up:

Mondays:  DIY anything.  We choose it, you choose it...

anything goes.  Give us your ideas.

Wednesdays:  Hairstyle

Fridays:  Hairstyle

If you have suggestions, comments, dislikes, please let us know. We aim to

28 Şubat 2013 Perşembe

3 Bumped Fishtail Pin Curls

So I'd like to branch out a little bit and I need your feedback.


Our goal is to make you guys happy. 

So we need to know what you like.

I do love to create fun hairstyles, but I'm toying with the idea of keeping Wednesday and Friday posts about hair and changing Monday posts to anything from DIY furniture re-finishing or cheap and sassy decorating tricks; to an occasional

26 Şubat 2013 Salı

3-minute Hairstyle: Chopstick Bun

I was planning to do the track team this year instead of trying for
anything else. Then at the last minute, I decided to go for the softball team and see what happens.
I love baseball (and I've wanted a letterman's jacket since I was a little kid).

Yesterday I was sick and stayed home from school. Unfortunately, softball tryouts were yesterday.  Just my luck.  
Now I have to wait another

24 Şubat 2013 Pazar

Irresistible Lemon Bars Recipe

So I didn't have time to film a hairstyle today because I was

making the most DELICIOUS treat ever.

I have a thing for lemon desserts and this is at the top of my list.  If you've never had lemon squares, you're missing out. 

These are divine.  

They're almost better than a great hairstyle.  Maybe you should pick one of your favorite hairstyles of ours and sport it while you're

22 Şubat 2013 Cuma

Puffed Shoulder Fish Tail

I know...I know...

We're so "city" (at least that's what we keep hearing lately).

But my brother's becoming quite the rapid river and ice fisherman.  

He went out the other day (I stayed home to make a few hairstyling videos) and caught us enough rainbow trout for quite the fish fry. We cooked them in some butter, lemon pepper, and garlic...they were fabulous. 

This puffed fishtail

19 Şubat 2013 Salı

Pin Curls & Ringlets

I love this vintage hairstyle.

This is my friend, Rachel.
She asked me to style her hair for the formal Valentine's dance and I was so nervous.  Not because I hadn't done hair a ton, but because this was the first hairstyle for a dance in my new town.  It was the real moment of truth, to prove if I've really got what I claim to know on this blog.
It felt like the ninth inning, full count

17 Şubat 2013 Pazar

Curling Bangs with a Flat Iron

I call these "Kynra bangs"

because she is one of the coolest, sweetest, nicest girls I know. 

Kynra and I started out with nothing in common except the same birthday and the same Spanish class.  And since I'm a hair admirer, I noticed she always wore her bangs curled back. 

I thought they were super cute, so I asked her how she did it.

It was a good icebreaker; because 

I learned

15 Şubat 2013 Cuma

Four Looped Twists

Cherish the love.

I hope your Valentine's Day was romantic or at least fun.

Or if not
either of those, you have a goal that next year's will be.

If it was wonderful, cherish that love and hold on to it.  This life can be a lonely place without someone to share the journey with.


12 Şubat 2013 Salı

Knotted Headband

When I was in first grade, I remember watching the Miss Universe pageant with my grandma.

I was enthralled: ball gowns, beautiful contestants, an amazing talent portion. For a few months after I was on a real kick about being in a pageant myself when I got older (this was well before Toddlers in Tiaras.) 

Probably in an effort to get me to drop the idea, my mom asked me what my talent

9 Şubat 2013 Cumartesi

Romantic Braided Up-Do

When I was a young girl, I dreamed of a winter wedding.

I pictured snowy flocked trees
with lights and blue subtle accents.

I couldn't think of anything more romantic.

But then I got married in July.

(It was still romantic. I just swapped green for white).

The snowy background in this picture takes 

me back to that fantasy.

If your coming week includes an elegant night on the

6 Şubat 2013 Çarşamba

Valentine Heart Pigtails

This hairstyle is all about love.

I love it!

**If you're looking for an original Valentine hairstyle that's 

girly and cute...this is it.

**If you think you're hairstyling-challenged, this one only requires that you know how to twist a strand...you can do that.

**I've even done it on short and thin hair...so there's 

nothing stopping you.

 If your hair is longer and thicker,

4 Şubat 2013 Pazartesi

How to get rid of those Pesky Grey Hairs

It's officially February,

and that means
love is in the air.  

You're probably getting those Valentine plans in the works and hoping for a wonderful, romantic evening with that someone special.

So I thought I could help out. 

When you're steppin' out with your sweetheart for the evening you'll want to look as young as you feel. 

And although grey sideburns are distinguished, you

31 Ocak 2013 Perşembe

Waterfalled French Braid with Beachy Waves

If you don't have a crimper/waver, you should reconsider.

I absolutely LOVE this beachy-wave look.

Every time Bella goes out with these waves, 

without fail...someone tells her she looks like Rapunzel.

And if you have naturally textured hair like I do (I call it textured because it's not really curly, but not straight either), a crimper is fabulous because you can quickly crimp a

29 Ocak 2013 Salı

Pretzel Knot

I took my son to the doctor today for strep throat.

Turns out
he does have it, but that's not the focus of my post.

Point being: there was a girl at the doctor's office eating a large mall-pretzel.  She kept dipping it in cheese 

and taking long, dripping bites. 

It was disgusting. 

Who eats a cheesy pretzel at a doctors office? 

There are sick-germs all over the place. 

I was

27 Ocak 2013 Pazar

Double Dutch Braids

I just watched the 1986 movie, Karate Kid II.  

It's the one with Ralph Macchio
as Daniel LaRusso where he goes with Mr. Miyagi (Pat Morita) to Okinawa, Japan.


When Daniel gets there, he meets Kumiko (Tamlyn Tomita).  And after he learns about honor, and not to use karate for sport, and all that good stuff.  He falls in love with her.

In this movie, not only is Kumiko beautiful;

24 Ocak 2013 Perşembe

Elegant 1/2 UP Do

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow.

That's what is seems like
every time I go outside.

It's great for sledding and skiing. But it's COLD, and terrible on curls.  So I thought a straight hair-do would be more my style today. 

It's super easy, and looks fancy enough to wear to a black-tie affair.


22 Ocak 2013 Salı

No Heat Curls: Headband Curls

Double Do Day!

I love a hairstyle that can work twice.

Plus this one doesn't use any heat to get these cute spiral curls.

(You just need a simple stretchy headband.)

I love it because it's perfect for a simple hairstyle in the day.

And if you have somewhere fancy to be that evening, 

you just let it out and the curls are fresh and ready to go.

Or you can put the headband

21 Ocak 2013 Pazartesi

3 - minute do: Bumped High Bun with Headband

I find myself wearing this do more often than not lately. 

After the Christmas
and New Year's break, it was hard to get used to getting up early again. So I sometimes needed a quick hairstyle. 

This one takes literally 3 minutes!

You can fancy it up with a headband.

I'm wearing a string of pearls on stretchy string that my little sister, Lanie made me.  Super easy and inexpensive. 

16 Ocak 2013 Çarşamba

Laced S - Braid

If you're looking for a fresh an innovative look for those cold winter blues, this is it!

I love braids.  Can you tell? 

My hairstyle theory has always been, 

"When it doubt, braid it out."

Just playing with braids can give you thousands of new looks.

This one in particular looks hard, but if you know 

how to  lace braid...it's easy.  And you'll get a ton of compliments.


14 Ocak 2013 Pazartesi

Big Classic Bouffant

I really am a fan of this look, and I always was. It's so classic, feminine and the dramatic cat eye eyeliner is probably my absolute favorite look, although I don't wear it. Anyway, I found this handy tutorial on Bobby Glam Blog, and If you want to check it out you will find lots of these classic hair tutorials. 

Firstly, you need to fit the Hair Booty hair extension to help achieve a big bouffant to rival Brigitte Bardot’s! You need to take a section from the front of your hair to pull back over the Hair Booty once it has been fitted. Like you can see in the pics above, if you have a fringe like me, take the section from behind your fringe. If not, begin so you are in line with your temple. Take a section about 2cm wide to cover the Booty.
Take the sectioned hair and secure with a sectioning clip to keep it out of the way whilst you are fitting your Hair Booty.
Now you need to fit your Hair Booty, the trick here is to put the Booty quite high up on your head as it creates a much bigger and more voluminous bouffant. So the clips of the Booty will be fitted on to the top of your head, with some falling around your crown area. Now, if you’re wanting a super duper bouffant you could always backcomb your hair before you fit the Booty. If you don’t want oodles of volume, you can skip this step … totally up to you.

Once you have your Booty fitted you then need to un-clip the section that you sectioned off in step 1. This will be pulled over to cover the Hair Booty. Backcomb this section a little and spritz with hairspray to ensure all of it is covered.
Pull all of your hair over to one side and secure in place with bobby pins. The side you choose is completely up to you; generally the same side as your fringe works best.

Then if you have a fringe, you need to pull this over and secure neatly with a bobby pin. If you don’t have a fringe you can just pull a section of hair to the side and secure it with a bobby pin too … it should still look the same.
Next you need to take your hair straighteners or curling tongs, whichever you prefer, and carefully add a few curls throughout the ends of your hair. Be sure to start the curl from the mid-lengths of your hair to achieve that classical look!

13 Ocak 2013 Pazar

Laced Snaked Fish Tail Braid

I'll admit it...I'm a hair gawker.

I try to be discreet, catch a
quick glimpse and then pretend I'm just looking past them at the interesting poster on the wall or what's just beyond them on the grocery shelf.  But then I'll steal another look at their hair.  

I just can't help it.  It's that AWE factor.

I know staring isn't polite, but if someone has their hair in some cool,

11 Ocak 2013 Cuma

Using Hot Rollers for Body & Curls

I don't know how many of you have a set of
hot rollers...but they're a must for great hairstyles.

My hair has so much natural wave (not enough for curl, just enough to be annoying) that if I let it air dry, or worse -- go to bed with wet hair...

In the morning,

 it will have out-of-control kinks, but a ton of body.

Those are the days to bust out the hot rollers and take advantage of  

9 Ocak 2013 Çarşamba

Wet Hairstyle: 3 Knotted Buns

I hate having wet hair and no time!

You see, I don't like to blow dry my hair too often.  And if I let it air dry, it takes approximately 5 hours. 

That's not practical.

I know...you loyal readers probably all plan ahead, go to bed on time, never procrastinate.  But I find myself in this predicament all too often.

So here's another WET HAIRSTYLE hairstyle for you on those rushed

7 Ocak 2013 Pazartesi

Holiday Hairstyle Inspiration

Hey! I haven't posted anything a long time ago... sorry about that. But I'm very happy today, because here, it's Christmas! I've spent this day wathching some Christmas movies like 'Home Alone' with my family and of course, eating! And I am so excited, so It seemed nice to post sometnig finaly. So, these are my top three festive, kinda, holiday inspired hairstyles, and I have a tutorial for each one of them! I hope you'll enjoy it! And Merry Christmas to everyone who is celebrating it today just like me!!!

No1: Loosley Curled Chignon
This is a tutorial I found on She Lets Her Hair Down, (actually I found all of these tutorials there) and I really like that blog! It's so inspirational, and you can really find any hair tutorial! I love it, thank you! 

Prep your hair by spraying hair spray all over it and brushing it through twice to have a texture that can easily be molded. You need that "dirty" texture in order for your hair to hold a curl and to achieve a hairstyle like this. 

Separate a section of hair at the top of your head and clip it out of the way.
Curl all of the rest of your hair in whichever direction you'd like. This doesn't need to have a rhyme or reason to it because it is just to give your hair texture. Once it is all curled, separate the curled hair into two equal sections and twist them until you reach your ends. 

Keep twisting them together and overlap the two sections over and over to create a loose bun at the back of your head. Pin the bun in place using strong bobby pins. Don't make it too tight on the sides. Take down the section of hair at the top of your head and curl it all going back and away from your face. Loosely separate the curls with your fingers.

Bring the curled hair at the top of your head back towards your bun and twist the ends so you can pin it into place. Loosely pin the top section towards the back using hair pins. The look should be loose and have a little bit more volume at the top than on the sides. 

No2: Mini Crown Braid
As always, it's best to have slightly dirty hair so your braids stay in place and so you can easily attach pins into your hair. Here are some products you can use to give your hair that "dirty hair" texture.

 Start with a small triangle section on one side of your middle part. Split that small section into three smaller sections. Start a normal three strand braid by taking the section that is closest to your middle part and bringing it under the middle section making it now the middle section. Now take the section closest to your forehead and bring it under the middle section.

You're now going to add hair to your three strand braid by taking a long section from your middle part to where your braid is laying. Add that hair into the section that is closest to your middle part.

Now take that whole section under the middle one making it the new middle. Next, take the section closest to your forehead and bring it under the middle section (you're not adding hair on this side). Now you will repeat steps 4 and 5 until you reach the end of your middle part (about 3 times).

After reaching the end of your middle part, you will continue braiding like normal without adding hair.
Once you absolutely can't braid that hair anymore, you can tie it off with a small elastic band or with a bobby pin.Repeat the same braid on the other side and secure it at the end.

Wrap each braid around your head and pin the ends into the braid on the other side. Hide your pins and the ends of your hair by tucking them under the other braid. It might help to add some hairspray to the spot where you will pin the ends into to make sure the pins and braid stay in place.

No3: Stars Chignon
I already posted a very similar tutrorial, you can look up the tutrorial here. But If you would like if you want to look up the whole tutorial go to She Lets Her Hair Down. Here's a quick gif to show you how to warp the chignon, and for the rest well, I already posted the link. 
Don't forgent to get the "dirty" texture, it's essential. You will need strong bobbi pins, hairspray and an  festive accessorie (optional).  

The star bobbi pins are as I said, optional. Here is the original DIY tutorial for the star bobbi pins that she used here, or you can buy also similar bobbi pins on Ebay

Good luck!

6 Ocak 2013 Pazar

Lace Braided Bangs

Here's a fun, beachy hairstyle that you can use with your natural wave or
wear it straight.

And it's perfect for growing out those pesky bangs, or when you just want them out of your face.  

Both Lanie and Bella love this lace braid for that reason.  And instead of again tucking bangs back with the usual bump, this is a fun and unique alternative.  Give it a try.
