31 Ağustos 2015 Pazartesi

Hello from Scotland

Hello friends!

I am still traveling, as you see. How amazing to spend time in Scotland visiting friends and seeing the sights. What a beautiful part of the world this is!
     My hairstyles this week have consisted mainly of braided buns, much easier on windy days :-)  I have more pictures to share later, but for now...

Visiting a Loch


Thatch-roof cottage
St. Andrews, Scotland

St. Andrews castle
I heard pipes and followed the music to a wedding

The wedding car, a 1929 Rolls Royce

Thank you for coming to see my new post!  I hope you have a lovely day, wherever in the world you happen to be <3

23 Ağustos 2015 Pazar

Arigato from Tokyo

Hello friends!

As you can see I'm traveling now, so not as many hair pictures to post but lots of scenery pictures. I apologize for the awkward angle of some of my hair photos, I have not yet mastered the art of the selfie ^_^
     First some pictures at the waterfront by Rainbow Bridge, and Tokyo's version of Time Square~

And my visit to the Imperial Palace, so beautiful :)

16 Ağustos 2015 Pazar

Ginger Rogers' Updo

Hi everybody,

     Last night I washed my hair, but used coconut oil first.  I combed my hair out and put coconut oil on the length, especially toward the ends.  Then I put my hair in a bun and waited a few hours, and washed my hair as normal.  I love how coconut oil conditions and strengthens my hair, plus it smells wonderful <3
     When I was searching the internet for pictures to go with my Ginger Rogers' half-updo post, I saw this picture of another one of her beautiful hairstyles.  So this morning I made my own version.  I saved a small section of hair at the nape of my neck, and piled the rest of my hair into a slightly messy, big bun.  Then I French braided the section of hair I had set apart, and wrapped the end of my braid around my bun.
     The morning sun was perfect for taking hair pictures!


14 Ağustos 2015 Cuma

Mohawk Hairstyle

Hi everyone,

This hair-do has become one of my favorite go-to hairstyles.  I just start at the top by twisting a section of hair and clipping it in place and continue until all my hair is involved somehow in this center mohawk.  It's easy to do, doesn't take a lot of time, and I love the look.


(shared from a friend)