26 Kasım 2014 Çarşamba

Re-fashion your old sweater into cute winter wear

Time: 40 minutes with lace and buttons. 20 minutes without
Supplies:  sweater, pins, scissors, sewing machine, thread, (embellishments optional)
Skill level:  easy


Happy Thanksgiving

This is my favorite holiday (okay, maybe Christmas; it's hard to say).

I just love getting together with family and having nothing more pressing to do than

4 Kasım 2014 Salı

Rock Climbing with Bella

For my English class, I was assigned to make a video and
power point presentation on something I like doing, and can teach my class.

I chose rock climbing.

My dad was a huge climber ( I say "was" because he would still like to, but doesn't have the time anymore).  But he's taken us lots of times over the years.

The video is pretty cheesy. But I figured, most of my YouTube subscribers