26 Kasım 2014 Çarşamba

Re-fashion your old sweater into cute winter wear

Time: 40 minutes with lace and buttons. 20 minutes without
Supplies:  sweater, pins, scissors, sewing machine, thread, (embellishments optional)
Skill level:  easy


Happy Thanksgiving

This is my favorite holiday (okay, maybe Christmas; it's hard to say).

I just love getting together with family and having nothing more pressing to do than

4 Kasım 2014 Salı

Rock Climbing with Bella

For my English class, I was assigned to make a video and
power point presentation on something I like doing, and can teach my class.

I chose rock climbing.

My dad was a huge climber ( I say "was" because he would still like to, but doesn't have the time anymore).  But he's taken us lots of times over the years.

The video is pretty cheesy. But I figured, most of my YouTube subscribers

19 Ekim 2014 Pazar

35 Halloween menu ideas

Are you ready for Halloween?

These should get you motivated!

You can find all the recipes here.

But most of them should be easy to figure out by sight:

limeade with ping-pong-ball eyeballs

brownies al a (ghost) mode

pumpkin rice crispie treats

breadstick fingers

bean dip graveyard

cheesy marinara faced bread

pork and beans with

14 Ekim 2014 Salı

Triple French Braid Volcano Bun

Time:  15 minutes
Supplies:  brush, 3 small elastics, 1 soft elastic, bobby pins
Skill level:  medium

I love this do!

It's so versatile:  dressy, casual, workout--whatever you choose.  

Or all three.

Don't be intimidated that it looks woven or something else really hard to do.  It's just three braids.

If you can french braid--you're

5 Ekim 2014 Pazar

Potato Cheese Soup and Bread Bowls Recipe

     Soup-20 min prep; cooks for 40 minutes.  (serves 8)
     Bread Bowls-20 minute prep; 1-2 hours rising time, bakes for 15 minutes. (serves 8)

It's that time again:  crisp cool air, overcast days, my toes freezing off the minute I step out of bed.

And that means soup and bread bowls--yummy, cheesy, soup that you can mop up with a

28 Eylül 2014 Pazar

How to make Floral Headband Wreath Crowns

Time:  25 minutes
Supplies:  green floral wire, random floral stems, bendable twig-looking branch (watch & see what I mean. Mine was $1),          wire cutters
Skill level:  medium

I had so much fun making these wreaths.


This time of year is when I always shoot the kids' fall photos.  

But this year, I just couldn't figure out what they

18 Eylül 2014 Perşembe

Bohemian Twists with Buns

Time:  12 minutes
Supplies:  brush, 2 clear elastics, bobby pins
Skill level:  easy+

I am so sorry for
slacking on my posts.  I promise to do better and get right on filming some more great hairstyles for you all.  

But let me show you what I've been up to.

Oh yeah, here's the video to this adorable hairstyle I did on my sister.  You

29 Ağustos 2014 Cuma

Bohemian 1/2 up Headband Wrap

time:  20 minutes
supplies:  brush, stretchy headband, curling iron or wand, bobby pins
skill level:  easy

Have you ever had one of those days?

You know--whatever can go wrong seems to.

Luckily mine's not that bad.  Just a few bumps.

Like I couldn't find my tripod this morning when it was time to film her hairstyle.

And I stepped in

21 Ağustos 2014 Perşembe

Summer 2014

It's been a crazy, fun, busy, awesome summer.

Nursing school.

Lots of hours working at the care facility.

As many weekends as we could swing it, playing at the lake.

Two birthdays.

(Neither of them mine).

As many days as I could spend hanging with my fabulous cousins.

But today...

It was back to school.


Lucky my cute little brother (who's now taller than I am)

7 Ağustos 2014 Perşembe

Waterfall braid with a Bow & Curls

Time:  20 minutes
Supplies:  brush, 4 clear elastics, bobby pins, hairspray, curling iron or wand
Skill level:  medium

This is my cute friend Brinley.

She needed a beautiful hairstyle for her brother's wedding.

And she wanted it to look thick and full!  


her hair is SUPER fine.  

It's silky smooth like baby hair and lays really

23 Temmuz 2014 Çarşamba

Fast & Easy Fishtail Top Knot Bun

Time:  3 minutes
Supplies:  brush, elastic, bobby pins
Skill level:  easy

I am loving this summer weather!

And the break from school. 

(Although I'm taking a summer nursing class that's filling up my days. It's okay. It's almost over. And then I'll get paid to do all the dirty jobs I've done while training...we can talk about those later).

13 Temmuz 2014 Pazar

Bohemian Twist with Rope Braid

Time:  15 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, hairspray, bobby pins, elastic
Skill level:  medium

We've got a great summer look for you.

It's beachy, yet classy.

You can go from sandals to heels.
From bermudas to boleros...from gauchos to gowns...
from shorts to shimmers.

Enough of the cliches.

But I do love the versatility.  

The bohemian

3 Temmuz 2014 Perşembe

Don't forget to blow the flowers

Amidst all the chaos in your summer, the girls of Locks and Locks
of Hairstyles want you to stop and smell the flowers.  

Find a firework and light it up; 

get a blanket and cuddle up. 

My dad wrote a poem for you all about his childhood summers.  Picture a scraggly blond kid on a shabby bicycle, Sandlot-style baseball on his inner-city street, a few days with only popsicles for food,

26 Haziran 2014 Perşembe

Great updo hairstyle for short/fine hair

Time:  15 minutes
Supplies:  brush, 3 small elastics, bobby pins
Skill level:  easy

So you  may have noticed (if you've watched my video below)
that my hair is brown!  And a lot shorter!

Before you get all crazy and tell me how different, weird, strange, etc. it looks, just remember (like I keep telling myself)...it's a work in progress.

19 Haziran 2014 Perşembe

Fourth of July Hairstyles & Crafts

Looking for a great Fourth of July hairstyle?

I thought I'd post them a bit early so you can try them out.

You see, I love America.  

And if I think back on why, it started with my dad.

I can't think of a summer where we didn't have a gigantic American flag waving on our flag pole out front, and the Stars and Stripes Forever (and

13 Haziran 2014 Cuma

Giveaway! Good Summer Reads?

When you see this picture what does it make you think of?

Homework?  1800's classics?  Your grandpa's bookshelf?  

Or a lawn chair and a big floppy hat, your feet crossed, a cool beverage by your side--while the kids play out back, or at the park, or (who cares where we are) as long as I have something good to read!

The problem is--I need your recommendations.  Small town-ish here,

5 Haziran 2014 Perşembe

Quick & Easy Bandana Bun

Time:  2 minutes
Supplies:  bandana or fabric strip approximately 2" x 30", brush, bobby pins
Skill level:  easy

Two important topics today for me to tell you about...

FIRST:  I hope you love this fun bandana summer do.  It's my go-to style when I don't feel like styling.  

Get yourself a bandana, or sew a tube of fabric like mine.  


28 Mayıs 2014 Çarşamba

Decorating ideas using simple baseboards

I have been having so much fun with baseboard molding.  

You can do all kinds of things with it!

Like keeping track of the kiddos' heights.

Or framing in their cute faces every time 

you pass up and down the stairs.

You see, I have been marking their heights (inside my pantry) since they were tiny.  But we moved a bit ago and I

22 Mayıs 2014 Perşembe

No Heat Curls! Beachy waves without heat damage

Time:  13 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, 10-15 (2x12 fabric strips--I used flannel) hairspray
Skill Level:  medium (only because you have to tie a one-handed knot)

You may have noticed my LOVE of pin curls.

Like this do

or this one

I can't resist myself.  They are the cutest,

 to the classiest, little loop.

And when you

18 Mayıs 2014 Pazar

Elastic Diamond Shaped Lace Hairstyle

Time:  20 minutes
Supplies:  several small elastics, comb for parting
Skill level:  medium

Thought we'd shake this up from the previous

 posts about prom fun with
this unique do.

This hairstyle is completely DIFFERENT.

If you're the type of gal who LOVES getting stopped so people can stare at, and examine your hair--then this is the do

11 Mayıs 2014 Pazar

Prom results....

You guys are the greatest!

Thanks for all your advice on my prom dress and hairstyle.

Because of you, here's how it turned out.

I was going for something similar to Dress #2.  So I went to the fabric store searching for sea-foam green.  But I couldn't find it.

(I was so bummed!)

But then I found this peach and I fell in love.  It was ruched and covered in silver sequence.  Who

3 Mayıs 2014 Cumartesi

7 Homemade/Organic Hair Treatments

There are so many fixes for your hair just waiting in your kitchen.

Don't be afraid to use them.  

They're generally ALWAYS less expensive than the salon-product alternative and easier to find.  So if you've got any of these seven common hair problems, here are your easy solutions.

Lacking Lustre:

Baking Soda and Vinegar


26 Nisan 2014 Cumartesi

Prom Help...Please

So I need a little help deciding on a dress and hairstyle for prom.

And what better idea than asking you fashionistas for advice.

I've come up with my top 5 picks for dresses and top 5 hairstyles.

But I need your vote.

Leave me a comment saying 1,2,3,4, or 5 on dresses and hair.

And to really help me out, please let me know what it is you like about the dresses--the color, the

19 Nisan 2014 Cumartesi

Double French Braid with Woven Ribbon

Time:  20 minutes
Supplies:  brush, bobby pins, 4 clear elastics, ribbon
Skill level:  medium

Here's the Easter hairstyle I promised.

I'm calling it Easter, but
it can be an any day do.

But it reminds me of a woven basket.

You could weave in several more ribbons and 

different colors. You could go all out.

It's a waterfall braid on top

17 Nisan 2014 Perşembe

2 Easter Hairstyles

I thought I'd post these two fun Easter/Spring styles. 

One is fun, the other is fancy.  

Give them a try and I'll also post another 

before the holiday comes.

The Woven Ribbon Bun


The Easter Basket of Eggs


10 Nisan 2014 Perşembe

Elsa's Hairstyle from Frozen

Time:  20 minutes
Supplies:  brush, comb, 2 clear elastics, bobby pins, long sock
Skill level:  medium

I've been getting a lot of emails asking when
the "Frozen" hairstyles are coming.

So, drum roll please.................

Here you go!

Elsa's fat and luscious twist.

Even if your hair's thin--try this.

Even if it's not very long--try

3 Nisan 2014 Perşembe

Diagonal Pretzel Knot Twist Hairstyle

Time:  15 minutes
Supplies:  brush, bobby pins
Skill level:  medium+

Everybody loves our single Pretzel Knot, so

I thought we'd expand on that.

How about three, or four knots?

That's what we tried. 

The big photo is with three simultaneous diagonal pretzels.  The other photos are of four pretzels

(or as many as you like until your

28 Mart 2014 Cuma

Dutch French Braid: Puffed & Tucked

Time:  10 minutes
Supplies:  brush, elastic, bobby pins
Skill level:  medium

Remember my dilemma about trying out for cheerleader or
starting classes in my nursing degree this summer?

Well, I gave it a ton of thought (and listened to your advice) 
and I didn't tryout.  
The tryouts were this week and I've got to say, "I'm kind of sad I

20 Mart 2014 Perşembe

How to cut Chunky layers in your hair

Time:  12 minutes
Supplies:  scissors, brush/comb, clips to hold back hair
Skill level:  medium

So I've had to get clever when I want my own hair cut, because usually, 
the urge for a new look comes on suddenly, like a craving for homemade cookies or a diet Coke.

(I personally don't like soda; it gives me a stomach ache.  Cookies, on the

13 Mart 2014 Perşembe

Saint Patrick's Day Shamrock Hairstyle #2

Time:  20 minutes
Supplies:  9 small clear elastics, brush, comb, 3 strands of green ribbon (twice the length of your hair), texturizing wax
Skill level:  medium

Another shamrock do for you all.

I don't know why it's always the cool thing to do for kids to

to look like they're not wearing any green at all, 

and then just have a titch

6 Mart 2014 Perşembe

Ribbon Braided Shamrock Hairstyle

Time:  17 minutes
Supplies:  4 elastics, ribbon (I used 3 yards)
Skill level:  medium+

This style is for all those of you who ask me, 

"What can I do with my short and fine hair?

I can't do any cool styles."

Well...yes you can.

If I pulled this do off on Lanie's shoulder-length, very-fine hair, you can surely do cool things with yours

27 Şubat 2014 Perşembe

9 Easy Spring Hairstyles

Every year at this time I start getting spring fever like crazy!

I'm sick of snow and cold weather!  

I'm ready for long walks and the kiddos riding bike rides outside, instead of sleds, gloves, and snow skis. 

Yes, I did go snow skiing this year with the kids...I didn't want them to think I was no fun.  

But I didn't love it.


20 Şubat 2014 Perşembe

Waterfall Taffy Braid

Time:  20 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, 7-8 small elastics
Skill level:  medium

Happy Thursday evening to you all. 

I can't wait for you to try this cool braid. 
I love how it dangles and swags and then goes into the bigger braid.

Give it a try, it's super pretty and I bet you'll get a ton of stops and compliments.


13 Şubat 2014 Perşembe

Beautiful Updo: Full French Twist Hairstyle

Time:  10 minutes
Supplies:  brush, comb, bobby pins, hairspray
Skill level:  medium

So I have a dilemma...

I have wanted to be a cheerleader for my whole life.
But I also run track and love it!!! 
And I'm trying to earn my CNA nursing degree over the summer, and that conflicts with cheer practices. 

Also, cheer try-outs would take a week

6 Şubat 2014 Perşembe

Braided Valentine's Heart Hairstyle

Time:  15 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, 3 elastics, ribbon (optional)
Skill level:  medium+

Happy Valentine's Day to you all.

Do you have something wonderful and lovely planned for this year's celebrating?  Or maybe a hot date you're dreaming about sharing the day with?

Have I told you that my husband and I usually cancel Valentine's Day

31 Ocak 2014 Cuma

3 Minute Hairstyles: half updo twist

Time:  3 minutes
Supplies:  brush, comb, bobby pins, elastic, hairspray (optional), curling iron (optional)
Skill level:  easy

I don't know about you guys, but I am in a

constant hurry.
I could (should) do better, but I overbook myself 
all the time trying to pinch in ten last-minute things 
right before I need to get somewhere.

I'm always

26 Ocak 2014 Pazar

Angel Food Cake for an Angel's Birthday

No hairstyle today, but a great recipe instead.

We spent the day celebrating my angel boy's birthday.

Your life was too short, little one.

We love you like crazy and miss you, pal.

For those of you who never met him, I'll share 

his Angel food cake with you and yours:

12 eggs room temperature
1 1/2 C powdered sugar
1 C flour
1 1/2 tsp cream of tartar
1 C sugar
1 1/2 tsp vanilla

19 Ocak 2014 Pazar

Braided Butterfly Bun Hairstyle

Time:  20 minutes
Supplies:  Brush/comb, hairspray, 4 elastics, bobby pins
Skill Level:  medium+

No stories today.
Nothing clever to say.
(not that we ever are)
Nothing at all...other than:

This is one of the prettiest hairstyles we've ever done.
 I love it immensely.  
And I hope you'll try it.


'Nuff said.


13 Ocak 2014 Pazartesi

French Lace Braided X Hairstyle

Time:  12 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, 2 elastics, 2 clips to hold hair out of the way
Skill level:  medium

For those of you who've enjoyed our

Laced S Braid

(Or maybe didn't even know about it).

We thought we'd tweak it a bit and do an

X braid.

Lace braids look super cool and hard, when really, 

they're not any harder than french braiding.

Give either or BOTH of these lace

6 Ocak 2014 Pazartesi

Natural-look Make up Tutorial

Time:  8 minutes
Supplies:  moisturizer, foundation, powder, eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara, blush, lipstick, lipgloss
Skill level:  medium

I get so many emails asking me to show you guys 

how I do my make-up.

But guess what?

It's not that cool.  But it's not too hard either.

And I don't spend tons of money on all the bells and whistles.

I do splurge on the foundation and powder-

2 Ocak 2014 Perşembe

3-Minute Hairstyle: Loose and Messy Top Knot Bun

Time:  3 minutes
Supplies:  brush, 2 elastics (one soft, one clear rubber band type), bobby pins
Skill Level:  Easy

Happy New Year!

Did you set your goals and resolutions?

That's the best part of the new year.

I've been thinking about mine, but I've been really distracted with a major test I have tomorrow on the entire skeletal system. If you've read my bio, you know I want to