31 Ekim 2013 Perşembe

Happy Halloween 2013

Happy Halloween to all of you

I hope you got all your little goblins decked out 

and your candy bowls stocked.

I've heard weather reports canceling some halloweens in the midwest.  If that's you, I'm so sorry.

As for us over here, my house is a disaster zone from last minute costume sewing and pumpkin carving, 

but the kids are having a ton of fun.

We got some farm fresh pumpkins

26 Ekim 2013 Cumartesi

Halloween Hairstyle: Spider Web

Time:  20 minutes
Supplies:  several small elastics, comb/brush, spiders
Difficulty:  medium

This hairstyle turned out
so fun.  

And it's not hard, yet a little time consuming.

But it's perfect for any Halloween party or 

school day leading up to the big day.

Or hair-do for those of you without costumes, but who still 

love to do something for the holiday.

I got the scorpions

24 Ekim 2013 Perşembe

High Side Bow with a Bun

Time:  15 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, 2 elastics, bobby pins, hairspray
Difficulty:  medium

This week has been so crazy!

In addition to everyday chaos, we've
been to the doctor, the dentist, a fall festival, take your parent to lunch day--twice.

But the fall festival was the topper.

Tons of games and booths for the whole family.  An old-fashioned log-sawing contest, bobbing for

22 Ekim 2013 Salı

Crazy Hairstyle for Dr. Suess Day

This isn't an official style. 

Nor am I recommending it for fashion. 

But I had a reader request an idea for a hairstyle 

for Crazy Hair Day at school.

I didn't have time to film anything, but I remembered what I'd worn for Dr. Suess day a few years ago.

It has a clothes hanger inside and my hair is twisted and braided around it right up to the curved tip.

I hope that helps, Ali.

19 Ekim 2013 Cumartesi

Spider Lace Braid Halloween Hairstyle

Time:  10 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, elastic, spiders, bobby pins (or the spiders on clips)
Difficulty:  medium+


(Actually, I love all the fall & winter holidays.  But Halloween's especially fun.)

And I can't wait to carve these pumpkins.  

I carved an awesome Superman pumpkin a few days ago, but it's not going to make it to Halloween.  

But these will.

My mom

16 Ekim 2013 Çarşamba

How to Get Big Barrel Curls

Time:  15-20 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, 1" curling iron or wand, hairspray
Difficulty:  medium

I get asked all the time how I curled my hair like this.  

But I took
the picture two years ago, 

and I didn't happen to film it that day.  

So I just did.  And ever since I compared the my hair now to this picture, it's confirmed it.

You may watch the video and ask yourself the same

9 Ekim 2013 Çarşamba

Monster Headphones Giveaway (you'll thank me later)

This post is brought to you by:  

Monster Headphones  and  BlogHer

It's October, and to me, that means it's time to start

Christmas shopping.  

I always start my shopping this time of year for three reasons:

1.  Prices are usually lower instead of falsely inflated in December.

2.  The kids are at school and it's easier to shop without them seeing what I'm looking for.

3.  I'm

6 Ekim 2013 Pazar

Half French Twist & Giveaway

Time:  10 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, hairspray, bobby pins
Difficulty:  easy

Keep Reading for details on our giveaway for this beautiful infinity hair clip.

I'm up to my elbows in frosting, but I licked my fingers clean enough to post.

In case you were curious,
I posted a picture of how cute my cookies are turning out.  And they're so buttery and yummy too.

First I plan to eat a

2 Ekim 2013 Çarşamba

Jasmine Ponytail

Time:  5 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, 3-7 elastics depending on hair length
Difficulty:  easy

I wish I had hair like Jasmine from Aladdin, but

nobody's hair is that thick and long.  

Lucky this style gives you the illusion your 

hair is thicker than it really is.

Do you like my rainbow?  

I love this fall weather.  The colors look so vibrant when it rains.  And...my mom just made