29 Eylül 2013 Pazar

Snapshot Sunday 9-29-13

Ode to fall:

I love you, but I'm sad to see the summer go.

I'll miss the tall alfalfa fields so brilliant green on every side of my house (thanks to my farming neighbors)

I hate parting with my magic petunias.  

I didn't even plant them last spring and somehow they survived the harsh winter and came back on their own. 

I'll miss this view out my bedroom window:  fresh baled

26 Eylül 2013 Perşembe

Rolled Waterfall French Braid

Time:  10 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, bobby pins
Difficulty:  medium+

My cousin wears her hair like this all the time 
and calls it a
waterfall french braid.

I couldn't figure out how she did it, because it's 
not a typical waterfall french braid.

And it looks so thin and delicate. 

If you could look straight down at her head like an aerial shot, it would look like a flat french

22 Eylül 2013 Pazar

Chopstick Twist Hairstyle & Giveaway

Time:  5 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, elastic, bobby pins, 2 hairsticks/chopsticks (even pencils)
Difficulty:  easy

Giveaway Time!

If you love these beautiful hair sticks, they (or another pair like them) can be yours.  Keep reading for details.

I've got a lengthy bucket list.  

You may have heard
me talk about it before:

Ride a pig

Go bungee jumping

Run a marathon


18 Eylül 2013 Çarşamba

Fohawk Hairstyle

Time:  5 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, gel/texturizing wax, blow dryer (optional)
Difficulty:  easy

I took the fam to the library tonight because I'm all out of good reads and so were the kids.  And who knew
(well probably everyone in town except me) there was a parade heading right down the street in front.  

(Well, Bella knew.  She'd already left for the parade with friends, but I

14 Eylül 2013 Cumartesi

Snapshot Sunday 9-15-13

We've been having quit a bit of excitement around here, 

and a lot of it has been focused on Lanie.

She just had a birthday and celebrated by getting her ears pierced.  It was a great day, and she was super brave.  She tried so hard not to even flinch when the piercing gun clamped shut.  And she's been loving her ears.  

But then:

Bye, bye, Happy Birthday Girl.

Not long after

12 Eylül 2013 Perşembe

High Bun with a Braided Ring

Time:  7 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, 2 elastics, bobby pins, hair texturizing wax or hairspray (optional)
Difficulty:  easy

My mom has a term for rainy days that she's used 

as long as I've known her:  "Worm Day!"

When she was in elementary school, there was an older kid in the neighborhood who would chase the girls with earthworms every time it rained, and throw them in their hair.

8 Eylül 2013 Pazar

Roaring 20's inspired Headband with Curls Hairstyle & Giveaway

Time:  20 minutes
Supplies:  brush/comb, curling iron/wand, headband
Difficulty:  medium

Giveaway Time!!!!

Woohoo!!!! (keep reading for details)

I was playing around with some
hairstyles a few months ago (because that's what I do in my spare time to keep bringing you fun styles) and I came up with this one.

I thought it was fabulous and came out to show the fam.

My dad said, "Hey

4 Eylül 2013 Çarşamba

Add Protein & Moisture to over-styled hair

Time:  20 minutes to apply, 20 minutes to sit on hair
Supplies:  2 - 4 eggs, 1/8 - 1/4 Cup of Honey, hair clips or barrettes 
Difficulty:  easy, but somewhat messy

What are we doing with these:  eggs and honey?

No, it's not a cooking post.

It's a salon-quality hair treatment at home!

If you're like me, and Bella, your hair suffers damage every day from UV rays, styling products,

1 Eylül 2013 Pazar

Snapshot Sunday 9-1-13

We get two questions all the time:

1.  Where do you
get your ideas?

2.  What do you do when you're not styling hair?

You want the Answers?

1.  Ideas are everywhere:  at school, the grocery store, the mall, the park, magazines, online.  Anytime I see a cool style, I file it away in my brain for later.  I usually don't do the exact thing they did, but it gets my mind going on how I could