28 Şubat 2013 Perşembe

3 Bumped Fishtail Pin Curls

So I'd like to branch out a little bit and I need your feedback.


Our goal is to make you guys happy. 

So we need to know what you like.

I do love to create fun hairstyles, but I'm toying with the idea of keeping Wednesday and Friday posts about hair and changing Monday posts to anything from DIY furniture re-finishing or cheap and sassy decorating tricks; to an occasional

26 Şubat 2013 Salı

3-minute Hairstyle: Chopstick Bun

I was planning to do the track team this year instead of trying for
anything else. Then at the last minute, I decided to go for the softball team and see what happens.
I love baseball (and I've wanted a letterman's jacket since I was a little kid).

Yesterday I was sick and stayed home from school. Unfortunately, softball tryouts were yesterday.  Just my luck.  
Now I have to wait another

24 Şubat 2013 Pazar

Irresistible Lemon Bars Recipe

So I didn't have time to film a hairstyle today because I was

making the most DELICIOUS treat ever.

I have a thing for lemon desserts and this is at the top of my list.  If you've never had lemon squares, you're missing out. 

These are divine.  

They're almost better than a great hairstyle.  Maybe you should pick one of your favorite hairstyles of ours and sport it while you're

22 Şubat 2013 Cuma

Puffed Shoulder Fish Tail

I know...I know...

We're so "city" (at least that's what we keep hearing lately).

But my brother's becoming quite the rapid river and ice fisherman.  

He went out the other day (I stayed home to make a few hairstyling videos) and caught us enough rainbow trout for quite the fish fry. We cooked them in some butter, lemon pepper, and garlic...they were fabulous. 

This puffed fishtail

19 Şubat 2013 Salı

Pin Curls & Ringlets

I love this vintage hairstyle.

This is my friend, Rachel.
She asked me to style her hair for the formal Valentine's dance and I was so nervous.  Not because I hadn't done hair a ton, but because this was the first hairstyle for a dance in my new town.  It was the real moment of truth, to prove if I've really got what I claim to know on this blog.
It felt like the ninth inning, full count

17 Şubat 2013 Pazar

Curling Bangs with a Flat Iron

I call these "Kynra bangs"

because she is one of the coolest, sweetest, nicest girls I know. 

Kynra and I started out with nothing in common except the same birthday and the same Spanish class.  And since I'm a hair admirer, I noticed she always wore her bangs curled back. 

I thought they were super cute, so I asked her how she did it.

It was a good icebreaker; because 

I learned

15 Şubat 2013 Cuma

Four Looped Twists

Cherish the love.

I hope your Valentine's Day was romantic or at least fun.

Or if not
either of those, you have a goal that next year's will be.

If it was wonderful, cherish that love and hold on to it.  This life can be a lonely place without someone to share the journey with.


12 Şubat 2013 Salı

Knotted Headband

When I was in first grade, I remember watching the Miss Universe pageant with my grandma.

I was enthralled: ball gowns, beautiful contestants, an amazing talent portion. For a few months after I was on a real kick about being in a pageant myself when I got older (this was well before Toddlers in Tiaras.) 

Probably in an effort to get me to drop the idea, my mom asked me what my talent

9 Şubat 2013 Cumartesi

Romantic Braided Up-Do

When I was a young girl, I dreamed of a winter wedding.

I pictured snowy flocked trees
with lights and blue subtle accents.

I couldn't think of anything more romantic.

But then I got married in July.

(It was still romantic. I just swapped green for white).

The snowy background in this picture takes 

me back to that fantasy.

If your coming week includes an elegant night on the

6 Şubat 2013 Çarşamba

Valentine Heart Pigtails

This hairstyle is all about love.

I love it!

**If you're looking for an original Valentine hairstyle that's 

girly and cute...this is it.

**If you think you're hairstyling-challenged, this one only requires that you know how to twist a strand...you can do that.

**I've even done it on short and thin hair...so there's 

nothing stopping you.

 If your hair is longer and thicker,

4 Şubat 2013 Pazartesi

How to get rid of those Pesky Grey Hairs

It's officially February,

and that means
love is in the air.  

You're probably getting those Valentine plans in the works and hoping for a wonderful, romantic evening with that someone special.

So I thought I could help out. 

When you're steppin' out with your sweetheart for the evening you'll want to look as young as you feel. 

And although grey sideburns are distinguished, you